Our Church Family
Sunday Mornings @ 10:00am

Corner of Garden and Eden Road in South Slocan – click for directions
The Junction of Hwy 3A and Hwy 6 is a unique crossroad, encompassing many wonderful small communities from the Slocan Valley to Nelson and Castlegar. The Junction Church recognizes this and it is their prayer that people from all these places will feel free to come and find a safe place to explore faith and be loved in community. The Junction Church held its first service on September 18th, 2005
Location & Time

You can join us in person here at the church or via our live streaming at 10:00am. You can watch here on our website, on our YouTube Channel, or live on our Facebook Page. The Junction Church is located at the corner of Garden and Eden roads.
What can you expect at the Junction?
Our Mission: Loving Jesus, Loving People, Transforming lives
Our Vision: Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are brought joyfully into the transforming grace and freedom that Jesus offers. We believe His word, worship Him passionately and pray with conviction. Our aim is to radiate the Father’s heart, bringing love, truth, service and honour to our neighbours. His glory abounds.

Coming to a new church can be a bit uncertain or intimidating. So here's a few things about us that may help you feel welcome:
What to wear on a Sunday...
Clothes. That's it. Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. A few people dress up but most come in wearing a t-shirt and jeans. We are definitely casual around here.
What's music like...
We think of ourselves as fairly upbeat and relevant when it comes to our talks and music. We have drums and guitars and enjoy singing together. Jesus is at the centre of everything we do, especially the music and sermons.
What Happens on during a sunday morning service?
25 minutes - Live music and singing. We have lyrics on our screens so you can worship and sing along with us.
5 minuets - Prayer/Reflection.
30 minutes - Sermon/Talk about a portion of scripture or life topic.
5 minutes - One more song and dismissal.
Do I have to be religious to come...
No. We believe that everyone is on some kind of a spiritual journey. We are excited you are willing to share yours with us. We believe that we are all on a messy adventure of faith and that Jesus is the destination.