"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."(2 Corinthians 9:7)
We believe that giving is an act of worship that helps shape us into Christ-likeness. As disciples of Jesus, we are joyfully committed to supporting the ministry and community work that happens in and through our church, so our community can be blessed with the Spirit of God.
We have several donation options available:
Pre-Authorized Debit: We have forms in the office that you can fill out. Simply fill in the form with the banking information so you can make monthly or bi-weekly recurring donations. Typically, you would set this up for the year. The forms are available in the office.
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer): You can use Interact e-transfer to make a donation to the church. Simply login to your bank’s internet banking website and follow the instructions – you can even do this from your bank's phone app. You can send the EFT to Make sure to note in the comments that you are giving to the "Junction Church General Fund"
Online Bill Payment: If you bank with the NDCU you can use the bill payment option to donate to the church, just use your envelope number as your account number.
Pushpay/Stripe: You can use the link on the home page of our website to use Pushpay (or your credit card). The service charge is nearly 3%. Direct link here.
Cash/Cheque: You can place these funds in our offering plates on Sunday morning. However, make sure you use a donation envelope so you get a tax receipt. Please contact Allison WankelShaw at to inquire about how to receive donation envelopes.