Would you like to gather with members of the congregation throughout the week? The Holy Spirit is urging us to move forward with baby steps to start gathering outside of Sunday Service.
After the congregation had the opportunity to share ideas and vision for the future, it is clear that many want to gather together, whether it be men's and women's ministry, small groups, etc.
There is a vision of the 5 communities gathering together in their areas, sharing in life with one another, praying, and consuming The Word together. The tentative areas would be Castlegar, Nelson, North Shore, Winlaw, and Lower Slocan (Slocan Park or Crescent Valley). The more of you that sign up will help to figure out the details of meeting together.
If you want to gather, please sign up with your name, email and location, please indicate if you can facilitate or host gatherings; there will be a signup sheet passed around during Sunday Service for the next few weeks or you can email Allison at the office if you wish to have your name put down.