2019 Christmas Hamper Campaign

2019 Christmas Hampers

We have begun our annual Christmas Hamper Campaign. This is our 6th year serving the amazing people around us. Our vision has always been to not only meet the immediate needs of those around us but to love them in abundant and generous ways. To let them know they are seen and they are loved.

This is the last week for donations!! Find something on the list below and email me letting me know what you are getting so I can take it off the list. Bless you all in your generous spirit.

All donations must be into the office by Tuesday, December 17th.

A special thank you to our friends at the Dam Inn as they are partnering with us again to buy all the wonderful gifts for the families. Let your hearts guide you as you generously love on these families.


***When donating online, please use the pull down menu to select 2019 Christmas Hamper***
