Discover the Father's Heart
Discover the Father's Heart
Sunday, August 19th @ 10am
Junction Church, 2840 Eden Road, South Slocan
‘The revelation of the love of the Father.’ ‘The heart of sonship.’
– Fatherheart Ministries Core Revelation –
What is the most important thing that anyone has ever said to you? How did it affect you? How did it change your sense of value or your future destiny?
What were the most important words that the Father uttered to Jesus during His life on earth? “You are my son, whom I love, and with whom I am well pleased…” How would your life be different if today you heard these words of identity, value and affirmation spoken to you by the Father Himself?
Jesus’ final request before facing the cross (John 17:26) was that we would experience Father loving us the way that He loves Jesus – Wow! This wasn’t just wishful thinking but rather the very real and tangible gift: Jesus has opened the way for us to come home into the arms of our true Father, where we can experience being continually loved, restored and cherished as His children; as His beloved sons and daughters.
Join us on Sunday, August 19th here at the Junction as Richard and Nia Jones share about Fatherheart Ministries with us.
Lunch available by donation
Session 1 - 12:30pm, Session 2 - 2pm with ministry time to follow.
Junction Church, 2840 Eden Road, South Slocan