You can find all our weekly church sermons here.
Itunes Podcast SoundCloud- Series
- 1 Corinthians
- 6 Keys to a healthy Marriage
- A Gem Filled Story
- Across the Spectrum
- Book of Jonah
- Christmas Messages
- Colossians
- Communicating With God
- Community & Connection
- Connecting With God
- Contemporary Challenges To The Bible
- Dealing With Difficult People
- Ecclesiastes
- Ephesians
- Experiencing a Deeper Relationship with God
- Experiencing God
- FatherHeart Ministry
- Forgiving and Forgiveness
- Freedom from Religion
- Freedom Through Forgiveness
- Fruit of the Spirit
- God And Your Job
- Guest Speakers
- healing
- Hearing God
- Hearing God 2016
- Holy Spirit and Revival
- In Community
- Jesus Fascination
- Lies Satan Wants Us to Believe
- Life In The Spirit
- Marriage And Family
- Messy Church
- Misc
- New True You
- Overwhelmed
- Pandemic Living
- Peters Puzzling Vision
- Portraits of Jesus
- Prayer
- Repentance to Overcome
- Romantic Relationships
- Seasonal
- Testimonies
- The Blessing of Putting God First
- The Two Sides of Shame
- The Upper Room
- Unanswered Prayer
- Unity
- Voices of the Soul
- Walking with Jesus
- Who Are We At The Junction Church
- Who We Are
- Words from Pastor Marg
- Worship
- You Are Loved
- You are richer than you think
- You Asked for It
- Your Purpose and Calling
- Topics
- #A Word From God
- #Abundantlove
- #Accepted
- #Action
- #Adoption
- #Alcohol
- #Anger
- #Armor
- #Armour
- #Balance
- #Baptism
- #Be Helpful
- #Believe
- #Belonging
- #Bible
- #Blessing
- #Breakthrough
- #Breathe
- #Broken Chains
- #Change
- #Character
- #Childofgod
- #Christmas
- #Church
- #Communion
- #Community
- #Confidence
- #Conflict
- #Connect
- #Connection
- #Controversial Issues
- #Covid 19
- #Createdforapurpose
- #Daily Devotions
- #Dating
- #Daughters
- #Deeper
- #Demonic Footholds
- #Desert
- #Dive In
- #Do I Belong?
- #Drinking
- #Drive Them Out
- #Easter
- #Emotional Maturity
- #Emotions
- #Encourage One Another
- #Encouragement
- #Evangelism
- #Faith
- #Family
- #Father's Heart
- #Father's Love
- #Fatherslove
- #Favour
- #Fear
- #Feelings
- #Filled With Song
- #Find Yourcalling
- #Findrefuge
- #Fire
- #Follow
- #Footholds
- #Forgiveness
- #Free Will
- #Freedom
- #Friendship
- #Future
- #God Is For You
- #God Of Love
- #God's Love For You
- #God'sheart
- #Gods Love
- #Gods Will
- #Grace
- #Grateful
- #Gratitude
- #Greed
- #Happiness
- #Healing
- #Healthymarriage
- #Hearing
- #Hearing God
- #Heart
- #Heartwork
- #Hell
- #Her Needs
- #His Needs
- #Hold On
- #Holy Spirit
- #Hope
- #How Its Meant To Be
- #Howlowcanyougo
- #Identity
- #Immersed
- #Is God Punishing Us?
- #Jesus
- #Jesusandwomen
- #Jesuselevateswomen
- #Joy
- #Junction Church
- #Just Do It
- #Justice
- #Keep Going
- #Kids
- #Kingdom
- #Kingdom Living
- #Knowing God
- #Letgo
- #Letting Go
- #Life
- #Lift Others Up
- #Listen
- #Listening
- #Listening To The Spirit
- #Lonliness
- #Lost
- #Love
- #Love Of God
- #Loved
- #Lovedbygod
- #Loveoneanother
- #Loving
- #Manuscripts
- #Marriage
- #Miracles
- #Money
- #Next Generation
- #No Fear
- #No Longer Orphans
- #Nojudgement
- #Nooweinlove
- #Obedience
- #Oppression
- #Overflowinglove
- #Overwhelmed
- #Pandemic Living
- #Parenting
- #Partner
- #Passing On The Faith
- #Past
- #Peace
- #Peaceinhispresence
- #Pleasure
- #Politics
- #Power
- #Pray
- #Pray In The Spirit
- #Prayer
- #Presence
- #Presence Of God
- #Present
- #Press In
- #Prophecy
- #Punishment
- #Purposeful
- #Qualifying
- #Radical
- #Redemption
- #Relationships
- #Release
- #Religion
- #Rest
- #Resurrection
- #Revival
- #Safety
- #Salvation
- #Seeing
- #Serve
- #Servingeachother
- #Sex
- #Sharing
- #Sin
- #Single
- #Song
- #Sons
- #Sonship
- #Source
- #Spirit
- #Spirit Filled
- #Spirit Realm
- #Spiritual Beings
- #Spiritual Bypassing
- #Spiritual Gifts
- #Spiritual Warfare
- #Stop
- #Strength
- #Strenth
- #Suffering
- #Surrender
- #Sword Of The Spirit
- #Take Rest
- #Takerest
- #Technology
- #Testimony
- #Thankful
- #Theology
- #Throughtheeyesoflove
- #Tithing
- #Tongues
- #Trials
- #Trust
- #Unity
- #Uplift
- #Usewhatyouhave
- #Walkinginsonship
- #What Is Hell
- #Where Do I Belong?
- #Women
- #Word Of God
- #Work
- #Workplace
- #Worship
- #Wwjd
- #You Are Not Alone
- #You Asked For It
- #Youareloved
- #Youbelong