Guest Speakers SERIES
Found 46 sermons in the Guest Speakers series.
Listen in as guest speaker Svea Menard shares what God has laid on her heart. Svea is a member or our church, a mother, a wife, a nurse, a teacher, a lover of people.
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Join us as Gary Giles follows the Spirit's lead to share the ways that God speaks to all of us.
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Join us as our friend Ken shares what God has done in his life and how he sees Him working still.
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Join us as we hear from our friend Gary Giles and how God has moved and carried him in his life.
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Listen in as our friend and guest speaker Tamara Childs talks about 'Another Invitation'.
The father is always inviting us to come and dwell. Always to come and dwell. How often do we leave our Father behind as we grieve, get angry, even in joy. He doesn't want us to leave Him behind b...
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