We are a family of churches in the Kootenays, BC. Other Locations


Join us as we gather for our Sunday Service while we hear from Jaden Schulhauser; the image of family is a reflection of the image of God and the importance of family ministry for the church as a whole. We look forward to gathering with you virtually and hearing your thoughts and praye...

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Join us as we gather for our Sunday Service while Chris Parenteau shares his testimony of his growth journey in Christ and learning to be content in all circumstances. We look forward to gathering with you virtually and hearing your thoughts and prayers. We believe in Loving Jesu...

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Join us as we gather for our Sunday Service while we hear from Lyle Schulhauser speak about repentance; turning back to God after satan catches us in his snare and the trap of gossip. We look forward to gathering with you virtually and hearing your thoughts and prayers. We believ...

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Join us as we gather for our Sunday Service while we hear from Lyle Schulhauser speak about repentance; how we can ask God to search our hearts and lead us into repentance. We look forward to gathering with you virtually and hearing your thoughts and prayers. We believe in Loving...

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Join us as we gather for our Sunday Service while we hear from Lyle Schulhauser speak about repentance; what it is and why we are called to repent. We look forward to gathering with you virtually and hearing your thoughts and prayers. We believe in Loving Jesus, Loving People, an...

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